0896 709040

Cocktail music for events

We will offer you the best musicians for the 2025 season!

String ensembles duo-trio-quartet to welcome guests for a private or corporate event.

Classical and popular music during a wedding ritual.

Cocktail music for bars and restaurants, etc.

Cocktail music for a wedding - salon music for a corporate event - welcome music - classical music - classical musicians - string ensembles for a wedding - duo - trio - quartet - quintet, etc.

We are located in the city of Sofia, but we travel for performances all over the country. Call us to get an offer!

Duration of performances:

1 set is 45 minutes / max 60 min /

2 sets - 2 times for 45 minutes with 15 minutes rest between them.

3 sets - 3 times for 45 minutes + two 15 minute breaks between them, etc.

IMPORTANT! It is necessary to provide sound system, in case you do not have, please specify!

You can choose between:

  •     violin
  •     piano
  •     saxophone
  •     viola
  •     cello
  •     acoustic guitar
  •     flute
  •     harp

You can choose between the following musical configurations in the performance of jazz, pop, favorite classical works, film and popular music, Argentine tango, etc .:

    Solo: violin; saxophone; acoustic guitar; piano; harp

    Duo: cello - violin; piano - violin; violin - saxophone, etc.

    Trio: two violins + cello; violin - piano - cello; viola - violins - cello, etc.

    Quartet: 2 violins, viola and cello, etc.

    Quintet: 2 violins, viola, cello and piano and sextet

Musicians' fees vary according to duration and composition; if you travel outside the city of Sofia, you pay extra for transportation round trip.

Make your inquiry by calling +359896709040, you can send it to VIber / WhatsApp or send an email to sofia@partyservice.bg.

Other variants:

Solo singers:
Solo harp: up to 90min.

Solo piano: up to 90 min.

Solo saxophone: up to 60 min.

Acoustic guitar: up to 90 min.

Flute, saxophona and guitar: up to 90 min.

Violine and guitar/ flute and guitar/ cello and guitar: up to 90 min.

Flamenco and guitar: 60 min.

Saloon trio:
Flute, violine and cello: up to 90 min.

Chord trio: up to 90 min.

Flute, guitar and cello: up to 90 min.

Saloon quartets:
Flute, violine, violla and cello: up to 90 min.

For more information, please call +359 896 70 90 40