0896 709040

Casino team Building(Golden Sands)

Partyservice. BG va ofera organizarea unui eveniment memorabil - Hold'em Poker Tournament pentru angajatii dvs.
Texas Hold'em Poker este un joc de strategii - in acest joc emotiile si tehnicile diverse sunt foarte importante. Cacealmaua este o arma foarte importanta in jocul de poker. Definirea riscurilor este cheia succesului.
Prin organizarea Texas Hold'em Poker Tournament, fiecare companie, va aduce numai emotii pozitive si o doza mare de adrenalina angajatiilor sai, dar si va gasi printre acestea pe cele mai bune strategi.

Oferta include:
Texas Hold'em Poker Tournament

  • Asigurarea unui spatiu adecvat - Grand Casino International
  • Toate accesoriile necesare pentru jocuL - carti de joc, chipuri etc.
  • Animatorul explica regulile jocului

Pentru mai multe detalii ne puteti contacta la numar de telefon: +359 896 70 90 40

PartyService.BG Event Agency and Grand Hotel & Casino International, offer You to organize a Texas Hold'em Poker Tournament for your employees.
Texas Hold'em Poker is strictly psychological game- where emotions, bluff and the different ways to mislead the opponent are of a substantial matter; where you should understand the possible risks and earnings and the abbility to make a difference between them, is of utmost importance.
By organizing a Texas Hold'em Poker Tournament for its employees, every company is not only going to bring many joyous emotions, adrenaline, tonicity for the employees, but also help the company find the kings of the precise observation and the best strategists.

Our offer includes:
Texas Hold'em Poker Tournament

  • Providing an equipped for the purpose area - Grand Casino International
  • Providing an instructor and introduction of the rules of the game
  • Providing all necessary game accessories: cards, chips and others
  • Providing the personnel - professional dealers, tournament manager

For more information call us on 0896 70 90 40
