0896 709040

Evening Yacht Party(Golden Sands)

Petreceti o seara de neuitat la bordul unui yaht de lux!
Durata: 2 ore
Ore de desfasurare: 20.00 - 22.00

20.00 - Plecare port yacht "Nisipurile de aur"
De-a lungul coastei turistii au posibilitatea de a se bucura la cea mai frumoasa vedere panoramica din toata sectiunea Nisipuri de aur. Se ofera sampanie - ½ persoana, nuci - 50 de gr., bauturi nealcoolice si apa plata.
Muzica potrivita de dansuri. In timpul evenimentului fata de hotel " Admiral" se desfasoara un spectacol cu focuri si artificii.
22.00- Sfarsitul evenimentului.

In timpul evenimentului inotul este interzis.
Nu se permit cantitati mari de alcool la bordul yahtul.
Pentru mai multe detalii ne puteti contacta la numar de telefon +359 896 70 90 40

Experience an eventful, unforgettable night on a luxurious yacht!

20.00ч. - Sailing off "Zlatni piasaci"Yacht Port. By sailing along the coast, the tourists will admire the beautyful panoramic view, illuminated by the last strokes of the sun. Champane, nuts and soft drinks and mineral water are available.
There is also goind to be suitable for dancing music. During the event from the "Admiral" Hotel, fireworks will be shot, which makes the atmosphere even more plesant.
22.00ч. -End of the event.

Swimming during the event is totally prohibited. The consumation of large amounts of alcohol is also not accepted.

Duration: 2 hours

Every day from 20:00 to 22:00 h

For more information, call us on +359 896 70 90 40
