0896 709040

Jeep safari on the Black sea

Echipa lui PartySERVICE.BG organizeaza Jeep Safari - Sunny Beach, Nisipurile de aur, Sf. Sf Constantin si Elena, Kranevo, Albena

Jeep Safari - Nisipurile de aur, Sf. Sf Constantin si Elena, Kranevo, Albena

- ora 09.15 Sf. Sf Constantin si Elena, Kranevo, Albena

- ora 09.30 Nisipurile de aur

- Vizita la "Panorama Marii Negre;
- Off - road sectiune pana in satul Osenovo;
- Vizita si degustare in satul Osenovo la cazan de tuica si discutie despre prepararea de tuica;
- Vizita la apicultor, degustare de miere naturala, si posibilitate de achizitionare;
- Calatorie prin drumuri forestiere atractive
- Impuscaturi cu pistol aer
- Masa de pranz, gratar "Prostor" meniu
- Salata - rosii, crastaveti, salata de varza, figarui de pui, cartodi, felii de paine; - fructe de sezon; bauturi- tuica, bere, bauturi nealcoolice, vin alb, vin rosu. Consum nelimitat si optiune meniu - vegetarian.
- Intoarcerea la hotel aproximativ la ora 15:30
- Jeep-urile sunt cu 4, 5, 6, 7 si 10 locuri

PartyService.BG Event Agency offers you a great JEEP SAFARI in Golden Sands and in Sunny beach!

JEEP SAFARI in Golden Sands, St. St. Konstantin and Elena, Kranevo, Albena, Drujba

9.15 h. St. St. Konstantin and Elena, Kranevo, Albena, Drujba
9.30 h. Golden Sands

The jeeps take the group directly from the hotel.
- Trip to the "Black Sea Panorama" with a suitable interlocution and safety instructions.
- Off - road track to Ossenovo village.
- Trip to a rakia making facility in Ossenovo village with degustation and a suitable talk about the custom of making the rakia.
- Off - road track
- Visitation of a beekeeper, degustation with the option of bying the honey, Suitable talk.
- Trip through beautyful forest routs.
- Airgun shooting.
- Rich BBQ lunch at the "Prostor"restaurant, with the possibility of a vegetarian menu.
-Trip back to the hotels at 15:30.

The jeeps are for 4, 6, 7 and 10 people.


Requests shall be submitted not later than 12 hours before the trip by phone + 359 896 70 90 40 or e-mail: sofia@partyservice.bg.

Upon the occurrence of force majeure (natural disasters, accidents, etc.) the event was postponed after mutual consultation.
